Another greater WordCampKL after 7 years!
We have 16 speakers from around the globe, covering diverse topics related to; technical, business, e-commerce, entrepreneurship, and blogging. We also have speakers from Automattic (the company behind Given the range of topics, you’re guaranteed to find many sessions educational and entertaining. Whether you are a blogger, web designer, app builder, marketer or a student, you are welcome to join this event.
The session schedule is now published. Go ahead plan your favorite sessions that you wish to attend on the event day.
We are expecting over 150 enthusiasts like you who are attending, so get ready to connect with the community and grow your business network too! WordCampKL is officially endorsed by WordCamp Central.
Checkout our sponsors and visit their booth on the event day for cool swags and promotions.
Tickets are selling fast! Grab your tickets before its sold out.