Category Archives: Events

Ticket sales open for WordCamp Pune 2015

Tickets are now available for WordCamp Pune 2015. The tickets cost ₹500 or about $10 and include a whole day (6th September) of sessions, debates, workshops, discussions and many interactive activities. In addition, the local speciality for breakfast and lunch, …

Categories Events, News | 4 replies

Ticket sales open for WordCamp Europe 2015

Tickets are now available for WordCamp Europe 2015 in Seville, Spain. The ticket price of 40 EUR covers two conference days (Friday and Saturday, June 26th, 27th), lunch, coffee and snacks for every conference day, #WCEU contributor day on Sunday (June …

Categories Events, WordCamps | 1 reply

WordCamp Europe 2015 dates and call for speakers announced

The dates and location for WordCamp Europe 2015 are set! In a third consecutive year the growing European community will gather together for three days of knowledge sharing, networking, having fun and creating long-term friendships. Keeping the original idea alive, WordCamp Europe …

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WordCamp Hamburg recap

On the weekend 14th/15th of June 2014, we held a WordCamp in Germany. Around 300 people attended for a great weekend of WordPress Sessions, Panels, Workshops and Lightning Talks. On Monday, June 16th we then celebrated our first ever contributor …

Categories Events, WordCamp Recap, WordCamps | Tags , | 3 replies

WordCamp Maine Publishes its Schedule

WordCamp Maine is proud to announce our schedule is now available online. Maine’s first WordCamp will take place in Portland, just 90 minutes north of Boston. We’re looking forward to having guests and speakers from around Maine, New England, and …

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WordCamp Hamburg announces its schedule and plans a contributor day

WordCamp Hamburg has published its schedule, and German WordPress enthusiasts are going to be hearing some very interesting talks on June 14-15. With lots of content about internationalization and translations as well as some interesting sessions about ecommerce, typography, and …

Categories Events, WordCamps | Tags | 1 reply

WordCamp Vancouver opens ticket sales

WordCamp Vancouver, to be held in beautiful British Columbia on July 26th, has opened registration for their developer-oriented 2014 WordCamp. If you are a new or advanced developer in or around Vancouver BC, buy your ticket now! If you’re interested …

Categories Events, WordCamps | Tags | Comments are off for this post

WordCamp Calgary opens ticket sales

WordCamp Calgary will be held on June 14th this year, and promises to be the most WordPress fun that Alberta’s seen since… since the last WordCamp Calgary! :) Speaker submissions are still open, and tickets are on sale now, so …

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