Category Archives: Events

WordCamp Europe 2014: Call for organizers and proposals

WordCamp Europe 2013, held in Leiden, Netherlands on October 5-7, was by all accounts a smashing success. We’d love to see another event this year! Unlike most other WordCamps, the organizing team for WordCamp Europe was staffed by experienced WordCamp …

Categories Events, WordCamps | 9 replies

WordCamp Miami changes date

WordCamp Miami has decided to reschedule their event; they’re now holding WordCamp on May 10-11. Your Memorial Day weekend just opened up – what are you going to do with it? :)

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WordCamps in 2014: Making this our best year yet

Happy New Year from WordCamp Central! 2013 was an amazing year, and we’re so excited about all the wonderful WordCamps already in planning for 2014 as well as the events that are still only the idea stage. We’d like 2014 …

Categories Events, News, WordCamp Central, WordCamps | 21 replies

WordCamp Recap: London

Q4 2013 has been the season for big WordCamps in Europe. Not even the greying skies and the drop in temperature can stop WordPress aficionados from getting together to talk all things WordPress. Just six weeks after WordCamp Europe was …

Categories Events, WordCamp Recap | Tags | 2 replies

WordCamp Toronto Recap

WordCamp Toronto 2013 took place earlier this month (same time as WordCamp Europe, actually) at Humber College in Toronto’s west end. This was the largest WordCamp that Toronto has ever held. We had over 400 registrants & 30 speakers, 4 session tracks, plus workshops …

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WordCamp Sofia Recap

The last weekend of October was important for the WordPress community in Bulgaria. Not only did it have its fourth WordCamp, but Sunday gathered people together to give back to WordPress during the first Contributor Day in Sofia. More than …

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Join WordCamp Lima via live stream this weekend

WordCamp Lima will be held this Saturday, October 19 at the Area51 Training Center. Registration is complete, but Spanish-speaking WordPress lovers around the world can enjoy WordCamp Lima via live stream! The last WordCamp in Lima was in 2009, so we’re very excited …

Categories Events, WordCamps | 2 replies

WordCamp Toronto publishes their schedule

Toronto really knows how to put on a WordCamp, and if you’re at all able to be in town the weekend of October 5-6, you’ll get the chance to listen and talk to some wicked-smart people about WordPress. Check out …

Categories Events, Schedule, WordCamps | Comments are off for this post