Category Archives: Events

GlotPress meeting at WordCamp Europe

If you’re planning to attend WordCamp Europe — and who isn’t? — and you have an interest in GlotPress, the software translation tool actively developed by WordPress contributors, then head on over to register your interest in a GlotPress meeting that’s …

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WordCamp Weekly Update: August 21, 2013

It’s another two-WordCamp weekend; woot! WP y’all! WordCamp Birmingham is boiling over with WordPress content – three tracks on Saturday and Sunday. With sessions on everything from responsive design to the legal aspects of blogging to WordPress and the command line, WordPress enthusiasts …

Categories Events, WordCamps | 1 reply

WordCamp Providence hosts the first WordPress Contribute Day in Rhode Island

In addition to their four Friday workshops, WordCamp Providence is also hosting a WordPress Contribute Day this Friday! Have you ever been interested in giving back to WordPress? With versions 3.7 and 3.8 both starting early development this month, there’s …

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WordCamp Weekly Update: August 12, 2013

In August, WordCamps come out to play! On both coasts (of North America at least) there are awesome events that you should check out. On the east coast, WordCamp Providence will be held August 16-17. The biggest event to hit the …

Categories Events, WordCamps | 2 replies

Reviewing WordCamp Guidelines

Current WordCamp guidelines were published in April of 2011 and haven’t changed since. We’ve had nearly two years to observe what’s been working, what needs clarification, and what might need a tweak. A working group to review WordCamp guidelines was …

Categories Events, General, WordCamps | 7 replies

WordPress Event Organizers Collaborate

If you organize WordPress events – be they WordCamps, meetups, or some other interesting kind of gathering – do take a look at what’s happening over on  Eleven projects have been posted for community involvement, and they run the …

Categories Events, General, WordCamps | 6 replies

BuddyCamp Vancouver to be held October 14-15

Wait, did you say BuddyCamp? It’s true! An event exclusively focused on BuddyPress is being planned in Vancouver for October 14 and 15, right after WordCamp Vancouver (and at the same location! so convenient!). BuddyCamp Vancouver just announced their call …

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WordCamp Close-Up: Sydney

WordCamp Sydney is this weekend, and has a really exciting schedule. Dee Teal, lead organizer, took some time out of her very busy schedule to tell us a little bit about WordCamp Sydney and her WordPress community. Dee also has …

Categories Events, WordCamps | 3 replies