Category Archives: Events

WordCamp San Francisco scheduled for August 4

Mark your calendars! WordCamp San Francisco, the official annual WordPress conference, will be August 4, 2012. As always, this event will feature Matt Mullenweg’s “State of the Word” address, and include extraordinary speakers and content. The planning is just beginning, so …

Categories Events, Schedule, WordCamp Central, WordCamps | 8 replies

WordCamp Boston scheduled for July 14-15

Boston always put on a great WordCamp, and the organizing team this year is working hard to make WordCamp Boston 2012 the best ever. Mark your calendars for July 14-15! This year’s organizing team is headed up by Kurt Eng and …

Categories Events, Schedule, WordCamp Central, WordCamps | Tags | Comments are off for this post

WordCamp Orange County Sets A Date

Did you notice that WordCamp Orange County announced their date yesterday? W00t! They’re holding their event on what’s shaping up to be a Big WordCamp Weekend: June 2-3. This year’s event will be held at Vanguard University. The Orange County …

Categories Events, WordCamps | 2 replies

WordCamp Bangkok postponed

WordCamp Bangkok, Thailand, which had originally been planned for March 2012, has been postponed, because of problems with the team and securing a venue. The organizing team is actively looking for a new venue and help with the organization, and …

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WordCamp Oshawa Postponed

WordCamp Osahwa, Canada, which had originally been planned for March, 2012, has been postponed, because of problems with securing a venue. The organizing team is actively looking for a new venue, and as soon as a date is confirmed for WordCamp Oshawa, …

Categories Events, WordCamps | 4 replies

WordCamp Toronto Cancelled

WordCamp Toronto, which had originally been planned for May 14, 2011, has been cancelled/postponed. The people behind the plans for that event have moved on, and now the Toronto WordPress meetup group, 200 strong and active since 2009, is putting together a …

Categories Events, Schedule | Comments are off for this post

Vancouver Dev-specific WordCamp Lowers Prices

WordCamp Vancouver is coming up on May 5. The organizers call it a developer focus, though I would probably amend that to be “professional” as there are also sessions about design, information architecture and content strategy, etc. They recently lowered …

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WordCamp Atlanta 2011 Postponed until Fall

You may have noticed that WordCamp Atlanta 2011 is no longer listed on the schedule for May. The event has been postponed until Fall 2011, so that the Atlanta meetup group (one of the most vital and active in the US) …

Categories Events, Schedule | 2 replies