Category Archives: Events

WordCamp Plovdiv 2020 Cancelled

It is with heavy hearts that we are announcing the cancellation of WordCamp Plovdiv 2020 in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. The decision to cancel the event was very tough. However, we believe that it was the best thing we …

Categories Cancellations, Events, News, WordCamps | 1 reply

WordCamp Las Palmas de Gran Canaria cancellation

We made the painful decision to cancel the WordCamp Las Palmas de Gran Canaria for health and security reasons for our attendants, speakers, volunteers, organizers and sponsors. COVID-19 has a growing presence in our country, and our goverment will set …

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WordCamp Calgary Postponed

Hi Campers, Unfortunately, due to concerns regarding COVID-19 and the Province of Alberta’s mandate to cancel event’s of 50 people or more with international visitors, the WordCamp Calgary organizing committee has made the difficult decision to postpone our WordCamp in …

Categories Cancellations, Events, News, WordCamps | Comments are off for this post

WordCamp Houston Postponed

It is with the deepest regret that we have decided to postpone Houston WordCamp scheduled for May 9-10, 2020. While we are very sad about this, we believe this to be the best decision to ensure the safety of our …

Categories Cancellations, Events, News, WordCamps | 1 reply

WordCamp Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 2020 Cancelled

In view of the new statement issued by WordCamp Central about COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic, we regret to inform you that we’ve decided to cancel WordCamp Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 2020. It is not a situation we like to face, but …

Categories Cancellations, Events, News, WordCamps | Comments are off for this post

WordCamp Kathmandu 2020 postponed

We regret to inform you that due to COVID-19 concerns we have decided to postpone WordCamp Kathmandu 2020 until further notice.   While we are very sad about this, we believe this to be the best decision to ensure the …

Categories Cancellations, Events, WordCamps | Comments are off for this post

WordCamp Bucharest postponed

As of today, the situation is as following: The Romanian Government has enforced a total ban of all events over 100 persons until the end of March, and local authorities have informed us that this ban could be extended further. …

Categories Cancellations, Events, WordCamps | Comments are off for this post

WordCamp Lancaster 2020 Cancelled

We regret to inform you that we’ve decided to cancel WordCamp Lancaster 2020. In light of the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic, and to avoid doing damage to our community, our event, originally planned for this Saturday, March 14th, will no longer take …

Categories Cancellations, Events, WordCamps | Comments are off for this post