Category Archives: Events

WordCamp Santa Clarita, Friday and Saturday, April 3-4, 2020 is Postponed Indefinitely

WCSCV Community Members, Speakers, Attendees, and Sponsors, Your health and wellbeing are important to us. In light of recent developments with the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) here in Los Angeles County, our Organizing Team has decided to indefinitely postpone the second …

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WordCamp Washington, DC postponed due to COVID-19

We have been surveying the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and international health recommendations carefully as we follow the stories of those around the world who have been impacted by this virus. Our hearts are going out to all affected. Due …

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WordCamp San Antonio Going Forward with Virtual and Live Components

Dear WordCampers, We have great news! WordCamp San Antonio 2020 is happening on schedule, March 28-29, 2020 at UTSA Downtown! With coordination from our awesome team, our speakers, our vendors and venue, and WordCamp Central, we have come up with …

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WordCamp Retreat postponed due to COVID-19

To everyone that is interested in WordCamp Retreat Soltau: Unfortunately we have to inform you that we will postpone the WordCamp Retreat. What this means for you is described below. Due to the current situation surrounding the Corona virus we …

Categories Cancellations, Events, News | 1 reply

WordCamp Genève 2020 postponed due to COVID-19

It is with a heavy heart that we have decided to cancel the WordCamp Genève on March 21st, or at least postpone it for about 6 months, subject to an overall improvement of the “coronavirus” situation. We saw on Friday …

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WordCamp Asia 2020 cancelled due to COVID-19

Due to concerns over COVID-19, WordCamp Asia was cancelled today. As Matt Mullenweg shared in the announcement, The excitement and anticipation around this event have been huge, but there are too many unknowns around the health issues unfolding right now …

Categories Cancellations, Events, News, WordCamps | 1 reply

WordCamp Taipei 2019 is coming on December 28!

The second WordCamp in Taiwan is happening at GIS NTU Convention Center on Dec. 28, 2019. We anticipate having 500 attendees this year. 160 tickets were sold under 24 hours and we have released another batch of tickets. Get your …

Categories Events, WordCamps | 1 reply

 WordCamp Auckland returns 2-3 November

WordCamp Auckland 2019 is happening at the GridAKL John Lysaght Building in the heart of New Zealand’s Auckland City on 2 – 3 November. WordCamp Auckland has two days of speakers with an intimately small capacity, making it a relaxed …

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