WordCamp News

Rochester, NY to offer its first WordCamp

logonoreasterRochester, NY will host the region’s first WordCamp on Saturday, October 15 at the William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Rochester. The capacity for this camp is about 150 people, so getting tickets early is advised.

The Rochester Meetup group is working together to organize the first WordCamp in the area and help the local WordPress community flourish by learning not only from each other, but from a great lineup of speakers who want to share their knowledge.

Rochester’s WordCamp will divide its workshops over three tracks, from basic to professional.

  • The Beginner/Blogger Track is for people new to website design, blogging, or WordPress. The sessions are designed for novices who want to blog or be on the web for other personal projects. Likewise, operators of small businesses or non-profit organizations will learn how to promote their enterprises using their own websites with no coding or other technical knowledge.
  • The Intermediate/Flex Track is one step up and intended for site owners, established bloggers, and entrepreneurs to learn how to communicate with a designer, how to blog effectively, and how to tell whether projects are going well. The overall focus is on website content. Attendees in this track need familiarity with HTML, the basic coding language of the Internet.
  • The Designer/Developer Track will find interest among professionals and DIY WordPress builders. The sessions here will focus on the graphical end of design and customizing website themes. Skill with HTML and CSS is recommended.

Speakers are encouraged to apply through August 31 and are welcome to submit more than one proposal.

Sponsorships are also encouraged!

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WordCamp Vancouver: get your Tickets!

Tickets for WordCamp Vancouver are now available here

To guarantee your correct t-shirt size, make sure you purchase your ticket before August 12.

Check out our schedule

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Come Build Something Great at WordCamp Orlando!

WordCamp Orlando 2016 is coming October 7 through October 9, 2016 to the UCF Rosen School of Hospitality Management. This year’s Lego-riffic theme is “Building great things with WordPress” and we’d love to see what building with WordPress means to you!

Speaker applications are still open until July 31 and ticket sales will open in early August with the announcement of our special keynote and first round of speakers.

Also back for its second year is KidsCamp Orlando! Young WordPressers ages 7 to 14 can learn basic WordPress skills and take on fun STEM projects. If you’re not in Orlando, bring the whole family for WordPress fun and an Orlando vacation all in one! We have a great rate with the nearby Rosen Shingle Creek hotel, good for an extended visit!

Sponsorship opportunities are still available – get your company in front of 400 WordPress enthusiasts and professionals!

Don’t miss out on this chance to build new relationships at our Sunday networking brunch and learn from industry professionals and hobbyists alike!

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WordCamp US Call for Speakers

We’re thrilled to announce that WordCamp US 2016 is officially accepting speaker applications!

The 2nd annual WordCamp US will be held in Philadelphia, PA December 2-4, 2016, bringing together WordPress enthusiasts from all areas to participate in the largest WordCamp in the world. We’re looking to build a program packed with amazing presentations which reflects the diversity of the WordPress community and we want you to be a part of it!

2015 WordCamp US | Konstantin Obenland
Speaking at WordCamp US 2015. Photo credit Sheri Bigelow.

What We’re Looking For

WordCamp US showcases the best of WordPress and the WordPress Community. We’re particularly interested in hearing from those who have used WordPress in interesting, innovative, and significant ways. Whether the open source software was used to deliver something technically amazing or whether WordPress was the foundation for creating something meaningful in the community, we want to know about it. We’re also looking for dynamic and versatile speakers to talk about how they use WordPress to grow their business, develop advanced plugins, tell their stories, and much much more.

We also want to hear voices from outside the WordPress community. If you work on other Open Source projects or web design and development in general and think the WordPress community could benefit from your story we want it told at WCUS.

Looking for more inspiration? Check out presentations from last year’s event.

2015 WordCamp US | Audience
Speaking at WordCamp US 2015. Photo credit Sheri Bigelow.

Apply Today!

Please use the application website below to share your ideas with us. Feel free to apply more than once, submitting a single talk idea per submission. If you run into problems submitting your application, please contact us.

Apply to speak at http://wcus-speakers.org

All applications must be submitted by August 31, 2016 at Midnight PDT (UTC-7).

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There are still some tickets available for WordCamp NYC 2016

WordCamp NYC 2016 – July 15th to 17th, will be an amazing job 3 days of WordPress Awesomeness!!! This Year WCNYC is at the United Nations and is an event you won’t want to miss.  Ticket Sales For WordCamp NYC 2016 are Going Fast, grab yours now.


We also have a volunteer spots open and you can apply to volunteer here:




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WPML supports the global WordPress community

We’re so grateful to WPML for their commitment to sponsor every WordCamp in the world by  joining the Global Community Sponsorship program at the Bronze level for 2016. They’ve been supporters of WordCamps and WordPress meetups all over the world as part of the global program since 2013!


WPML turns WordPress websites multilingual. It works with caching, SEO and E-Commerce plugins, and allows the building of complete multilingual sites. WPML powers simple blogs as well as corporate and enterprise sites.

WPML allows users to translate everything in the site, including content, menus, widgets and even theme and plugin texts. WPML powers over 500,000 commercial websites from all over the world.

More information about going multilingual can be found at WPML.org

Huge thanks to WMPL for their commitment to all WordCamps in 2016!

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Plesk joins the WordPress global community sponsorship program in 2016

Please join us in welcoming Plesk to the 2016 WordPress global community sponsorship program! Plesk’s pledge to sponsor all official WordPress community events (WordCamps, meetups, and more) in the Western (Americas) region provides support and stability to our hardworking crew of volunteer event organizers. Thanks for everything, Plesk!


Plesk simplifies web management activities to align with the way infrastructure is used today for hosting websites and web applications. A widely used web management solution, Plesk provides everything a web professional needs to set up a website quickly and securely – including a WordPress Toolkit, an easy-to-navigate control panel, server level automation, supportability tools, and complete protection with our server-to-site security core.

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DreamHost supports WordPress community events

Many thanks to DreamHost for their support of the WordPress global community sponsorship program at the Bronze level in the Western (Americas) region! The aid that DreamHost and other global sponsors provide to WordPress community events is truly invaluable. DreamHost has been part of this program since its inception in 2013, and we couldn’t be more grateful!


DreamHost is a global Web hosting and cloud services provider with over 350,000 customers and 1.2 million blogs, websites and apps hosted. The company offers a wide spectrum of Web hosting and cloud services including Shared Hosting, Virtual Private Servers (VPS), Dedicated Server Hosting, Domain Name Registration, the cloud storage service, DreamObjects, and the cloud computing service DreamCompute. More information can be found at  http://dreamhost.com.

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