WordCamp News

WordCamps in 2015

2015 was another exciting year in the WordCamp program, with over 21,000 WordPress enthusiasts coming together at 89 different events to spend a day or three talking about WordPress, the free and open source software that now powers more than 25% of the internet.

WordCamps around the world

WordCamps were held in 34 different countries in 2015, with events in 6 continents: Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe, North America, and South America.

We saw a huge jump in WordCamps held in Europe this year — from 17 in 2014 to 29 in 2015, wow! A whopping 18 WordPress communities organized their very first WordCamp last year.

As you can see in the chart below, the number of WordCamps has been steadily increasing over the past five years. In 2015, we had more numerous, smaller events, as shown by the increase in the number of overall events with the numbers of unique speakers and sessions holding steady.

2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Total number of WordCamps
Year-over-year growth
WordCamps in the US
Year-over-year growth
WordCamps outside the US
Year-over-year growth
Total number of unique speakers
Year-over-year growth
Total number of unique sessions
Year-over-year growth
Total number of unique sponsors
Year-over-year growth
Total number of WordCamp tickets sold
(rounded to the nearest 500)
Year-over-year growth
over 21,000
over 20,000
over 19,000
over 17,000
over 13,000

Did you know that everyone who organizes and staffs a WordCamp is a volunteer? And did you know that all WordCamp speakers are volunteers, as well? If you’re looking at this information and wondering how you can have a WordCamp in your town, check out the WordCamp Organizer Handbook for more information about how WordCamps happen. (Hint: they’re made of people!)

But wait, there’s more data:

WordCamp Organizers in 2015

  • Number of unique organizers: 601
  • Number of first-time organizers: 366

WordCamp Speakers in 2015

  • Total number of unique speakers: 1,677
  • Most speakers at a single WordCamp: 81 (at WordCamp US)
  • Fewest speakers at a single WordCamp: 8 (at WordCamp Winnipeg)
  • Number of first-time speakers: 952

WordCamp Sessions in 2015

  • Total number of unique sessions: 2,135
  • Most sessions at a single WordCamp: 80 (at WordCamp US)
  • Fewest sessions at a single WordCamp: 8 (at WordCamp Winnipeg)
  • Average number of sessions per WordCamp: 25.72

WordCamp Sponsors in 2015

  • Total number of unique sponsors: 891
  • Most sponsors at a single WordCamp: 53 (at WordCamp London)
  • Average number of sponsors per WordCamp: 8.33

WordCamp Attendees in 2015

  • Total number of WordCamp tickets sold: 21,386
  • Most tickets sold for a single WordCamp was: 1,744 at (WordCamp US; 2,424 with live-stream tickets)
  • Fewest tickets sold for a single camp WordCamp: 26 (at WordCamp East Troy)
  • Average number of attendees per WordCamp: 245.82
  • Number of WordCamps with 300+ tickets sold: 36
  • Number of WordCamps with less than 300 tickets sold: 53

Ten Largest WordCamps (listed in order of number of tickets sold) in 2015:

  • WordCamp US
  • WordCamp Tokyo
  • WordCamp Europe
  • WordCamp Kansai
  • WordCamp NYC
  • WordCamp London
  • WordCamp Miami
  • WordCamp Atlanta
  • WordCamp Orlando

Organizing the organizers

In 2015, the WordPress open source project’s Community Team launched some great tools for WordCamp organizers: a payments plugin to help organizers and program administrators get vendors paid with less fuss and fewer emails, a CSS cloning tool to help organizing teams copy and then customize designs from other WordCamp sites, and a remote CSS plugin so that organizers didn’t have to make design changes on their live sites.

In 2015, we also built on the Community Deputies program that began in late 2014, expanding the number of volunteers who help advise and organize our organizing teams to around 30. Furthermore, we started reporting on deputy oversight/administration progress on our team’s blog, to help the whole community see “behind the scenes” at WordCamp Central. If you’re interested in helping with WordCamps or other WordPress community efforts, check out the WordPress Community Team blog!

We can’t wait to see what 2016 brings, and we hope you’ll join us as an attendee, volunteer, speaker, sponsor, organizer… or all of the above!

Categories WordCamps | 1 reply

Pantheon joins the WordPress global community sponsorship program in 2016

We couldn’t be happier to welcome Pantheon to the WordPress global community sponsorship program in 2016! They’re sponsoring at the Silver level in the Western region, supporting official WordPress community events throughout the Americas.


The website management platform for Drupal & WordPress, Pantheon provides web teams with the hosting, cloud-based developer tools, and scalable infrastructure needed to run awesome websites. Serving billions of pageviews a month for over 100,000 websites, Pantheon’s container-based infrastructure allows you to launch websites faster, without worrying about traffic spikes, security or performance. It’s free in development. Create your free account now!


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GoDaddy supports WordPress community events worldwide in 2016

What would we do without our sponsors? We’re so grateful to GoDaddy for sponsoring WordPress community events all around the globe at the Silver level in 2016! GoDaddy’s support helps make local community events (like meetup/user groups and WordCamps) better for WordPress enthusiasts and easier to organize for our wonderful group of hardworking volunteers.


GoDaddy’s mission is to radically shift the global economy toward small businesses by empowering people to easily start, confidently grow and successfully run their own ventures. With more than 12 million customers worldwide and 57 million domain names under management, GoDaddy gives small business owners the tools to name their idea, build a beautiful online presence, attract customers and manage their business.

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WooCommerce sponsors WordPress community events across the globe in 2016

We’d like to welcome WooCommerce to the 2016 WordPress global sponsorship program! By generously sponsoring at the Gold level across the globe, WooCommerce helps make local community events (like meetup/user groups and WordCamps) better for WordPress enthusiasts and easier to organize for our wonderful group of hardworking volunteers.


WooCommerce is the fastest growing eCommerce software/platform, powering over 30% of all eCommerce stores with over 1 million active installations. It is is built to integrate seamlessly with WordPress, making it the obvious eCommerce choice for existing WordPress users and connects you to the fast-growing WordPress ecosystem which now powers over 25% of all websites on the internet.

With WooCommerce, you can start with all the basic tools that any small business would need to start selling online, including product setup, payments, shipping options, and sales reports and as your business grows choose from over 300 premium add-ons available including additional payment processors, shipping methods, inventory systems and marketing tools anyone to sell anything, anywhere from real products and digital downloads to subscriptions, content and even your time.

In July 2015, WooCommerce was acquired by Automattic, the creators of WordPress.com which serves more than 15.8 billion pages a month and also the creators of other popular WordPress services including Akismet, Jetpack, and VaultPress. We look forward to growing WooCommerce to achieve even greater things together with Automattic.

Categories Sponsors | 1 reply

Thanks for sponsoring global WordPress community events, Bluehost!

We can’t thank Bluehost enough for signing on as a sponsor for the global WordPress community in 2016! Their support of WordPress community events — WordCamps and meetups! — in the Americas at our Gold level and of events in Asia, Oceania, Europe, and Africa at our Silver level goes a really long way. They support WordPress communities all over the world!


Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005 and powers over one million WordPress sites. Their goal is to provide outstanding hosting services and customer support for the best possible price. Bluehost is also constantly innovating and upgrading their services and infrastructure at no additional cost to their customers. You can join the millions of other website owners that have already chosen Bluehost and see how they can help you with your site.

Categories Sponsors | 1 reply

Jetpack sponsors WordPress community events worldwide in 2016

What would we do without our sponsors? We’re so grateful to Jetpack for sponsoring WordPress community events all around the globe at the Gold level in 2016! Jetpack’s support helps make local community events (like meetup/user groups and WordCamps) better for WordPress enthusiasts and easier to organize for our wonderful group of hardworking volunteers.


Jetpack is a free WordPress plugin that simplifies managing your sites. This single plugin enables Photon (a global CDN for images), uptime monitoring, brute force protection, traffic-boosting tools, single sign on, multiple-site management, and automatic or bulk plugin updates. Additionally Jetpack includes several features that help you customize the look and feel of your site without installing other tools. More information can be found at jetpack.com.

Categories Sponsors | 1 reply

New tickets for WordCamp Europe 2016 are now on sale

After selling out 1700 tickets six months before the event, the WordCamp Europe 2016 team has managed to secure an additional venue and has published additional 400 tickets for the event in Vienna.


With a total capacity of 2200 people, WordCamp Europe 2016 is shaping to be the largest WordPress event to this date. Current attendees feature people from 68 countries around the world. The organising team is planning a contributor day for 500 people on Sunday, June 26th.

The WordCamp Europe 2016 speakers selection is underway with the schedule due to be published in April.

If you don’t have a ticket for WordCamp Europe 2016 yet, get one while they’re still there!



Categories Events, WordCamp Tickets | Tags , | 1 reply

Accepting Applications for WordCamp US 2017/2018

Planning for WordCamp US 2017 and 2018 will kick off this year. But before planning can begin we need to select the next host city. Are you interested in having WordCamp US in your city? Want to be part of the hard working WordCamp US team? Willing to organize for two consecutive years?

Apply here! We’re accepting applications through February 29, 2016.

Categories Events, News, WordCamps | Tags | 3 replies