WordCamp News

WordCamp Tulsa 2020 – Cancelled

The WordCamp Tulsa 2020 Organizing team has decided to cancel an event for 2020. We are now shifting our sights to bringing our first WordCamp to Tulsa in the Spring of 2021.

We considered holding a virtual event but we felt that the true value of WordCamp is getting to rub elbows with our fellow WordPressers. We will continue to hold virtual Meetups for the time being and welcome you to join us.

We wish our community the best and we look forward to sharing our beautiful city with you next year.

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WordCamp Torino 2020: cancelled

Sadly, we have decided to definitely cancel WordCamp Torino 2020.
We were waiting until now for a decision from our government, but at last, we decided to cancel the WCTRN 2020 edition.
The situation in Italy is getting better, but still, we are not permitted to organize events in person without guaranteeing the social distance (almost 1 mt between people).
Therefore, we don’t want to take the risk to organize an event without being sure we can make all people safe. It was a hard decision to make but is for the health and safety of all.
But, we are already planning to organize WordCamp Torino 2021 live!

And we’re preparing a great event online ;)

So, stay tuned and see you soon around online!
Categories Cancellations, WordCamps | 1 reply

WordCamp Birmingham 2020 postponed to 2021

From the beginning, WordCamp Birmingham has been a safe space for innovators, students and professionals. And while we often use “safe space” to describe free speech and inclusivity, this year has given the term a whole new meaning.

Due to the unprecedented scale of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to postpone WordCamp Birmingham to February 2021. Though several camps have successfully converted to online formats, we do not feel a webinar series can effectively replace the in-person networking or quality standards for which we have become known.

That said, we encourage you to continue learning and creating. Visit WordCamp Central for a complete list of upcoming WordCamps, including WordCamp US on Oct. 27-29. And don’t forget to join us online for WordPress Birmingham meetups.

Be sure to check back regularly for updates. We look forward to seeing y’all next year.

Categories Cancellations, Events, WordCamps | 3 replies

Online WordCamps – Resources, Tools, and Info… Oh My!

For the past couple of months the posts on this site seem to have largely been event cancellations and postponements. So it brings me great joy to share some movement toward holding events instead of postponing and cancelling them.

The WordPress Community Deputies have put a lot of time and effort into a new set of resources, tools, and recommendations so that official events of the WordPress project can continue!

If you’ve been curious what we’re doing around online events or are looking to organize an online WordCamp check out this great resource over at the WordPress Community P2.

I hope to see you online at a WordCamp soon <3

Categories News, WordCamp Central, WordCamps | 1 reply

WCUS to Hold Speaker Office Hours Part One: Picking a Topic for Your Submission

Have you ever hesitated to apply to speak at WordCamp?

If so, you’re not alone.

Picking a topic can be daunting. WordPress is diverse and growing. While a good problem to have, it makes choosing the right topic so much more difficult and can be a major roadblock, whether you’re new to WordCamps or a veteran speaker.

However, the WordCamp US programming team is here to help!

Join them Saturday, May 16, at 11am CDT/12pm EDT for Part One of two Interactive Office Hours dedicated to helping you pick a topic for your talk. How to Pick a Topic will walk you through:

  • 4 different types of talks you could give
  • Who the audience is for WCUS
  • Broader recommendations to consider when brainstorming your topic as well as specific prompts that can help
  • Narrowing your ideas
  • Finally, writing out the answers to Who, What, Why, etc.

And remember, this is an interactive session. Come prepared to discuss your ideas and ask questions of the friendly, helpful volunteers.

Sign up HERE.

Don’t have a Make WordPress Slack Handle? Head over to make.wordpress.org/chat/ and get one now.

This is a great opportunity for any speaker to brush up on their topic submission skills. To take advantage of this unique, 100% Slack-based opportunity and get ready for Part Two which will focus on pitching your talk and writing your proposal.

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WordCamp Vrsac Postponed

Dear friends,

The opponent we were faced with has forced us to retreat after all. We hoped that all this would pass and that the conference would be on schedule as planned. Still, we are forced to put it off indefinitely. We still hope WordCamp Vrsac will take place when it is safe to meet again, and we will notify you of the new conference date.

In the meantime, please visit our site and help us by filling out our survey on the future of WordCamp Vrsac: https://2020.vrsac.wordcamp.org/postponed

See you in Vrsac, sooner or later!

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WordCamp Asheville Cancelled

[EDIT 22 April 2020: Clarifying details about cancelling the in-person event, and the possibility of an online event. –@courtneypk]

The organizing team for WordCamp Asheville 2020 has made the sad but clear-cut decision to cancel our in-person event that was to be held July 17-19, 2020.

Like so many other camps during this time, the organizing team is considering the option of pivoting to organize a virtual event. The team will be making another announcement once this is decided upon.

We hold out hope for returning to the in-person conference format for WordCamp Asheville in 2021. For the time being, our working assumption is that we’ll be able to begin planning in time for our in-person event to occur around mid-July of 2021.

We had selected mid-July for our 2020 camp specifically to allow kids and parents the best chance at attending our first ever KidsCamp. Current indications are that we will reboot our KidsCamp effort next year, so please keep us in mind if this is applicable to you or someone you know.

We’d like to thank everyone who has been involved in our camp in any way over the years. As must be the case with organizing teams across the world, we will miss seeing all the smiling faces at camp this year. We’ll miss the networking, the learning, and the catching-up with friends. Even so, we know that cancelling the in-person event is the right call to make given the circumstances.

We hope everyone in the community fares well through the current quarantine conditions, and we’ll look forward to continuing with WordCamp Asheville’s in-person event in 2021.

Categories Cancellations, Events, WordCamps | Tags | 2 replies

WordCamp Grand Rapids 2020: Cancelled

Due to the uncertainty around COVID-19, the coronavirus, we have made the difficult decision to cancel WordCamp Grand Rapids 2020.

Instead of moving the event online — which did not seem to fit our theme or goals for the 2020 camp — we are instead refocusing our energy into 2021 and continuing our history of quality camps. This decision gave us all a little space to breathe right now and focus on our families when they need us most while also continuing to support our local community.

If you are looking to connect with other WordPressers in the area, please go to WPGR.org and sign up for our Slack channel. We’re also continuing to hold our regular monthly meetups online until we can meet again in person. You can find information about that on the WPGR page as well as on Meetup.com

And until we can come together for WCGR 2021, keep your eyes on the list at WordCamp Central. A number of camps are meeting online and some are still planning in-person events later in the summer. Now is an excellent time to see what other camps are like and meet new people.

Thank you all for your understanding and we look forward to seeing you in 2021!!!

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