WordCamp Johannesburg
546 16th Avenue
Constantia Park
Halfway House
South Africa
WordPress is the most popular open source software in the world as more than 75 million websites and blogs on the Internet use WordPress.
WordCamps are informal, community-organized events that are put together by WordPress users and includes everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other.
On November 18-19, 2016, the Gauteng WordPress community, (the largest WordPress Group in Africa) will converge in Johannesburg for the 2016 Johannesburg WordCamp. Johannesburg is the considered the financial capital of Africa and this will be the first WordCamp in Johannesburg and the second in Africa as Cape Town’s WordCamp took place in September. We have a good speaker lineup from community users to large complex media and newspaper multi sites who will discuss a variety of interesting topics touching on personal experience, e commerce installation, page builders and programming on the WordPress platform. http://2016.johannesburg.wordcamp.org